Zoon (15) from Tsjetsjeense unfortunately Kadyrov krijgt topfunctie on video with afranseling gevangene | Buitenland

KIJK. Genadeloze zoon van Kadyrov slaat gevangene in elkaar

The employee comes to the head of the state of the Afdeling the gaat over the protection of unfortunately Kadyrov, reports a high functionaris in the Russian Republic. Adam Kadyrov, the last two years of the word, the previous one also had a high level of communication.

This year’s film was made in Russia by Kadyrov and his video had been released from the zoo. The schopte en sloeg een one who was accused of the burning of the Koran, the holy book of the Muslims. The Tsjetsjeense unfortunately time toen trots te zijn op de animal.

The 47-year-old Kadyrov is dead in Russia, the most important bond of President Vladimir Poetin. Hij heeft veel vrijheid om zijn deelrepubliek naar own inzicht te besturen.

KIJK. Kadyrov is 15 years old and lives in the world
