Zo’n 200 apen geëvacueerd uit ondergelopen dierentuin in Germany | Buitenland

In Germany there is a rent for two weeks before you have to evacuate vanwege serious overflow. The Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen, located in the state of Nedersaksen, is hit by the water and away from the water. As a group of children, the elders brought seeds with grandchildren, lemurs, stokstaartjes and prairie dogs.

During the rainy day every week there are different parts of the park on the water, there are so many locations just outside the area and there are vehicles on the ground. Especially in the omgeving of the Masai Mara Lodges, the antelopes and giraffes remain, the situation is in a critical phase.

Parking owner has an alarm

The owner of the park slaat alarm in dramatic bewoordingen: “Het is a noodsituatie which we still don’t have anything to do with the meegemaakt in the 50-year-old divorcees of the park”, aldus Fabrizio Sepe. After all, it is a wonder that there are 1,500 animals in the park that are still alive.

The larger ones are blown up to the large area, so the water is never over the edge of the high hoeven. The rent is verified that the delivery of a baby is at risk and is at risk.

(Les verder onder de photo.)

The first one in the Serengeti Park is protected by overflow routes. © AP

Electricity connected

In the Hele Park the electricity is available. Nood generators have been installed in the stalls to heat up and drink water to provide water. In the seed factory with help services, the bouwen medewerkers van the park tijdelijke dammen om de stallen te beschermen tegen the stijgende waterpeil.

The rent lies along the Meiße rivier, the other parts of the river are there. Bovendien zijn on the terrein diverse waterscapes and just overflowing as a group of the stijgende groundwater. The park hostels also Leeuwen, Neushoorns, Tigers and olifanten.

LEES OOK. VOC is worth 5,000 euros for surgery addressed to: “Very good money, they are slutty animals”
