“Zombieherten” are now also available in Yellowstone National Park, which prevents the consumption of infected fleece Dieren

A large number of infections spread to children in the United States and Canada quickly, and are now also available for the first time in the Yellowstone National Park. Wetenschappers warschuwen voor the “zombieherten”, who became lusteloos, waver and set a distinctive “lege blik” to music. With the yachts on the ground, the American Center for Ziektebestrijding ervoor om geen flees te consumers van herten which he ziek uitzien, uit vrees dat de ziekte skipt op de mens.

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is an infectious disease that occurs in the central region of the herd and abroad. Al jaren doigen jagers over herten die zich vreemd gedragen as gevolg van de ziekte. The dieren is fat, has become luscious and wavering on people, so it is before the “lege blik” in hun ogen the hen de nameam “zombieherten” heeft opgeleverd.

Intussen, CWD has become an epidemic, now it is also open in Yellowstone National Park. This is the largest wild zoo population in North America. “Then the CWD is on the radar of the Brede aandacht op Mannieren die het earthder niet had – and that is, ironically enough, a good zaak,” says Thomas Roffe, a dierenarts and previously hoofd van diergezondheid voor de Fish & Wildlife Service. “It is a problem with enormous ecological implications.”

Also Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist and director of the Center for Infectious Diseases at the University of Minnesota, does not have a “long-term access ramp”. When the item is in a quiet area, the heel is easy to clean. The ziektverwekkende gills can be used for a long time in view of other oppervlakten, and there is a disinfection medium and overleeft zelfs branding tot 600 degrees Celcius.

Gekke koeienziekte

The vrees bestaat de ziekte wordt overgedragen van herten en elanden op other zoogdieren of birds, and zelfs cafeterias. Osterholm sells CWD with the dollekoeienziekte which in the years 80 and 90 the United Kingdom Royal Teisterde. Ook the ziekte zette zich via besmet flees over op cafeterias, zo’n 150 cafeterias stierven er uiteindelijk aan. “Nobody knows that this will happen, but it is important that people prepare for it,” says collegiate epidemiologist Cory Anderson.

Naar shatting was jaarlijks 7,000 tot 15,000 geïnfecteerde dieren door mensen opgegeten. Now the yachts in the VS for the state, Roepen the American Center for Disease Control and the individual states are still open to the wild and late testing of animals, in the fleeces of herten which he aims at the consumer.
