Zoetermeer tenants will pay more for their home from July 1th

There it is again: the annual rent increase. Many Zoetermeer tenants will spend more per month on their home from July. Do you ever wonder if you are not paying too much? You can check that.

Private landlords are allowed to implement a rent increase once a year. The national government determines each year the maximum amount a landlord may increase the rent. This year it is 3.3 percent. Please note: landlords do not necessarily have to implement a rent increase. In addition, they may also increase the rent by a lower percentage, for example 1 or 2 percent.

Free sector and social rent

There are two types of rent in the Netherlands: social rent and private sector rent (also called private rent). This article is about rental housing in the private sector. Do you live in a social rental home? Then different rules apply. You can read more about that here.

room occupancy

If you rent a room in Zoetermeer, this sometimes falls under private rent. However, slightly different rules apply here than with regular homes. From 1 July 2022, the rent may be increased by a maximum of 2.3 percent. The same applies to caravans or pitches.

Basic rent

Zoetermeer residents who receive a letter from the landlord about the increase will pay more basic rent from 1 July. The rent increase goes not about the service costs. As an example:

Situation until July 1 Situation with rent increase of 3.3 percent
Basic rent1,000 euros1,033.33 euros
Service fee50 euros50 euros
Total per month1,050 euros1,083.33 euros

Does your landlord choose to increase the service costs? Then he has to explain why that is the case. For example, because cleaning costs have become more expensive.

This is how you check whether you are paying too much rent

Via the website You can check with the Woonbond whether your rent increase is legally valid. Do you think the rent increase is not right for you? Then you can object. That goes through the legal counter† Some reasons for this are:

  • The rent has been increased too often (so not just on 1 July).
  • You pay an all-in rent.

De Woonbond is an independent association for Dutch tenants. The Woonbond is committed to improving the position of tenants, focusing in particular on the government.

Renting in Zoetermeer

Maybe rent increase is not an issue for you yet, because you have not found a home yet. Does that also apply to you? Then take a look at the website of the municipality of Zoetermeer how the housing market in our city is divided. There are also useful tips about housing associations and other residential parties.

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