Zoetermeer residents Kim and Chantal have been friends for 30 years: ‘My partner looks just like her’

A best friend for life: not everyone deserves it, but Chantal Gabriel and Kim do! They grew up in Seghwaert and became best friends in primary school in group 4. Now, more than 30 years later, they still are and are in daily contact via WhatsApp.

Chantal and Kim (now both 43) grow up in Zoetermeer and go to the same primary school. In group 4 they get to know each other and become best friends. Chantal: “We did everything together. Playing outside and staying together, for example.” Kim adds: “And when we got a little older, we could nap for hours. Put on masks, read beauty tips in the Tina. Chantal had a subscription to that.”

An invisible line

After primary school, the friends go to different secondary schools. Yet they remain in contact with each other. “We didn’t always speak much during that period, but there was still a line between us,” says Kim. “You also helped me get a part-time job in the supermarket, in the butcher department,” says Chantal. Kim: “That’s true, I worked there too!”

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‘We loved playing together’ | Image: Private photo Kim

Through thick and thin

Now that the women are adults, their friendship is closer than ever. Chantal: “I am very attached to Kim and also very proud of her. She is currently going through a tough time, yet she is so optimistic and cheerful. She also always shows interest in me and encourages me, even when she has a lot on her plate. ” That appreciation is mutual, says Kim. “Chantal is an incredibly sweet and attentive friend, she always knows how to strike the right chord. She puts me more in touch with my emotions. We can laugh and cry together.”

We wish our children a similar friendship

Future plans

The friends want to remain active together in the future. Traveling and cooking are two favorite hobbies. “We haven’t taken any really big holidays yet, but we do go away for weekends. This year we want to do Christmas shopping in France,” says Kim. Chantal: “And we often eat together at one of our homes. Then we both cook something. Funny enough, the dishes always go well together, even if it doesn’t seem that way at first. We feel good about each other even in cooking.”

Partners and children

The partners of the couple also get along well. Kim: “The funny thing is that my husband looks like Chantal.” Chantal: “And mine looks like Kim again! They are both very cheerful and going out. While, like Kim’s partner, I prefer to wait and see what happens.” Both women also have children. Chantal: “We actually want our children to have just the same friendship as ours, because we know how valuable it is.”

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Kim and Chantal in their teenage years | Image: Private photo Kim

Do you also have such a special friendship?

Would you like to tell us about your friendship? Or do you have another beautiful story that you would like to share? Let us know via [email protected]. These Zoetermeer residents preceded you.

More Zoetermeer friendships:
