Zoetermeer is a rainbow city and this is what it means

Zoetermeer is one of the 75 rainbow municipalities – also known as rainbow cities – in the Netherlands. Nice fact, but what exactly does this mean? You can read that in this article.

In short: a rainbow church is a church that is actively committed to the acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people (LGBTIs).

Rainbow Community

Of the 75 municipalities 54 have signed a declaration of intent with the minister of education. By signing this, municipalities indicate that they are actively committed to the acceptance, emancipation and safety of LGBTI people in their own city. With this they want to combat problems such as discrimination in the housing market, intimidation and violence. These municipalities receive government subsidies for this.


Zoetermeer has been a rainbow city since 2012 in collaboration with the municipalities of The Hague, Delft, Rijswijk, Leidschendam-Voorburg and Westland, the COC Haaglanden, Zoetermeer Library, group-up, Movisie and other local partners.

Pride walk

The municipality of Zoetermeer plans to organize a Pride walk in 2026. This is part of the multi-year plan Zoetermeer Regenboogstad 2023-2026. Before then, more and more similar activities will take place in the city. Think of a Drag Queen Bingo or a Rainbow Drink. ZOETER Queer Foundation
In addition to events, an important part of the multi-year plan is also strengthening
of the LGBTQI+ community and providing information, guest lectures and education.
