zijn we een bende doemdenkers become?

July saw a sunny start, followed by a Facebook group full of complaints about the hit and media reports about gezondheidsrisico’s and the climate change. In het najaar dan weer herhaaldelijk verzuchtingen over bevroren because of the winter dip. Are we empty of the half-volt glass?

Paul Notelteirs17 July 202218:00

“I thought at first: het is satire.” At the beginning of the previous week there was a screenshot of an article that was written on Twitter. Het stuk biedt tips om op verschillende moments van de dag met de hitte om te gaan, maar the insteek valt never bij iedereen in de smaak. In addition, the following vergelijkingen with the educative children’s booklet Zonnestraal en verschillende Gebruikers van het platform reacten with breaking emoji’s.

Ondergetekende is the auteur van het firstgenoemde adviesstuk and toch is that geen mediatiseerde mea culpa. About eventual betutteling by media groups is worth a boompje op te zetten, maar kranten en journaals will met zo’n verhalen een weerspiegeling van de maatschappij bieden. The concern over the hit does not come into play in the local café, near the baker or in the watch room of the standards.

The vraag remains dan of redacties en de brede people in eenzelfde bedje ziek zijn. Vaak wordt noticed that he’d gegeden for four years eveneens warm summers were the burgers overleefden zonder verfrissende gadgets te kopen of, jawel, de tips van The morning te read. What is the negativity then for now?

Every thinking is common

Op climatological vlak is het answer op de vraag vrij duidelijk. In 2020 the average annual temperature was 2.3 grades higher than in the period between 1961 and 1990. It is because of the extreme weather conditions that have arisen that have been destroyed by forests in Hong Kong. That said, there is a debate about the pessimism of a natural long-term view of the climate.

A European study of the German Bertelsmann Foundation in 2020 to 64 percent of the Belgen de Toekomst van ons country negatief tegemoetziet. The army scored poorly in the European average of 58 percent. Still blijkt uit vanishing statistics that were written he op seadere vlakken op vooruit gaat. In 1820 there were 94 percent of the population with extreme armoede te maken. Burgers the younger ones have been given the proper name in an international bevraging van market tonderzoekbedrijf Ipsos condensed into a real failure. We thought that the extreme armoede and children’s toe names were severe, but that was what was meant.

“Statistical feiten voelen niet natuurlijk aan bij mensen, eerder het tegenovergestelde”, Schreven de auteurs van het Gapminder Ignorance Project. The children went to great heights in global development and were informed that the Leeuwendel van de Bevolking de Werld doorgrondt via people and gekleurde Ervaringen. That suffers tot foute veronderstellingen, as is doemsinn van alle tijden. The Assyriërs told the bijvoorbeeld 4,000 years ago that everything followed.

Hanno Sauer, who suffers as ethicus at the Universiteit Utrecht een project around morele Vooruitgang, vindt het not so verrassend that the pessimistic housing populair is. Terwijl het vergeden geend is, lies everything in the toekomst still open and that can suffer tot stress from fears. “Bovendien kan het tot op zekere hoogte rationeel zijn om what pessimistic ingesteld te zijn. Je bent missed beter een keer te veel bezorgd dan te roekeloos”, vertelt hij. That high vals-positive percentage bood in het vergeden also evolutionaire voordelen. Anticiperen op een vijand is vaak beter dan completely locked.

Focus op oorlogen

Thanks to the complaint on Facebook is not men’s old thinking. So toot onderzoek aan dat burgers hun own toekomst veel rooskleuriger inzien dan the van hun land of the van de rest van de Werld. Paul Dolan, senior lecturer at the London School of Economics, stated that social pessimism from Europe was reflected in the majority of people reflecting on large problems. There come a time when the old door is declared and the written information has been given about recent meema files.

Mediagroepen spelen daar eveneens een important role in omdat ze doorgaans over ‘nieuwswaardige’ onderwerpen report. Because the plan changes when the plot is changed, the reason for this is that there are long-term evolutions that are not old. The focus on the door log can be taken to ensure that there is a risk that the armoury will be less than the specified word. “Negativity co-opted. Everything seems to have been done in the previous year, except that there are no new accounts,” says Sauer.

The ethic puts the army also in a bandage with the criticism of the stukken over the warm weather. In the summer in the summer months when there are changes in the climate, there should always be a long-term trend. The complaints about the corrosive moments were given thanks to technological means quickly, but that is why it is sour not that the sea is being used. “The idea that we have become more pessimistic is op zichzelf al een voorbeeld van pessimisme.”
