Zevenbergen will have an asylum seekers’ center for two hundred people

Zevenbergen will have an asylum seekers center. The municipal council of Moerdijk, which includes the village, approved the arrival of the azc on Thursday evening, which will be taken into use next year and will remain open for a maximum of fifteen years. There is room for up to two hundred people.

The reception center is being built on the Schansdijk, which is located between Zevenbergen and the Moerdijk industrial area. Refugees from Ukraine are already being received there. The site where the AZC is to be located is already owned by the municipality. He therefore expects to be able to use the place soon.

To assure
Two months ago, during a municipal council meeting on this subject, the municipal council and local residents were still concerned about possible nuisance that the azc could cause. Mayor Aart-Jan Moerkerke replied resolutely: “There are examples of nuisance caused by asylum seekers, but then we are talking about asylum seekers centers with more than a thousand people. We will consult to prevent nuisance. If things go wrong, I will intervene strongly.”

Concerns about road safety on the narrow dike were also allayed. Alderman Bennie Blom assured that the Schansdijk will be modified.

READ ALSO: Plan for asylum seekers’ center in Zevenbergen: concerns about road safety and nuisance
