Zeven soldiers gedood bij jihadist aanval in Niger | Buitenland

Donderdag will be in the region of Tillabéri “a single heid of Operation Almahaou op a veiligheidsmissie in Kandaji gewelddadig aangevallen door enkele honderden terrorists”, aldus the ministry. “Zeven soldiers bulls in the strijd.”

Tijdens de intervention als reactie op deze aanval “veroorzaakt een tragic verkeersongeval het dungeon van vijf van ze dappere soldiers,” sounds the verder. Zeven other rockets were won and brought to the children’s house.

As a result of the minister, the motors and wapens of the aanvallers will be destroyed and the moment will be given in a “suitable operation” plate on the vijand on the spurs.

The Tillabéri region is located in the “three border area” between Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali and is a school for Sahelian jihadists, called the Islamic State in the Great Sahara (EIGS).
