Zeven doden bij nieuwe gevechten in Palestijns vluchtelingenkamp in Lebanon | Buitenland

The combat brakes were carried out during the weekend in the camp of Ain al-Hilweh, a major Palestinian village in the southern suburbs of Sidon in Lebanon. Volgens a correspondent from Afp ter plaatse will be brought to two rooms.

The new thing came out on September 7th, now on the 16th.

Ain al-Hilweh in the south of Lebanon is with over 80,000 residents, the largest Palestinian city in Lebanon. The majority of residents were born in the first Arab-Israëlische Oorlog in 1948 of Hun nakomelingen. Other Palestine residents knew the terecht tijdens de Lebanese burgeroorlog (1975-1990). He also reported that the Palestinians had arrived at the door of the burgher region of Syrië. In 2015 there was a failure in the campaign against Fatah’s security responsibility.
