Zero on the request after protest: Haarlem taxi drivers are not allowed to enter Zandvoort

The Haarlem taxi drivers are furious about the way in which the municipality of Zandvoort deals with their interests. Because they are not allowed to drive to the seaside resort during the weekend of the Dutch Grand Prix, they miss out on hundreds of euros. Alderman Jan-Jaap de Kloet is sensitive to the drivers’ arguments, but there is nothing left to arrange for the upcoming edition of F1.

With a lot of noise, the taxi drivers park on the Grote Krocht. – Fred Segaar/NH News

To reinforce their arguments, this afternoon about twenty taxis from Haarlem entered the Grote Krocht in the center of Zandvoort in convoy, honking loudly. The men emphasized that they have no problem with Zandvoort hosting a major motorsport event, but why should they become victims of it?

And why is the municipality sticking so rigidly to the green mobility plan? Even at night, when trains are no longer running, they are not allowed to transport customers. And why do colleagues from Bloemendaal receive a pass through?

Lively trade

Well, maybe because there is an image that Haarlem taxi drivers have made use of a lively trade in permits in the past two editions, resulting in much more traffic movements than the municipality of Zandvoort would like?

Spokesman Salim Belgnaoui takes the time to explain on behalf of the taxi drivers that this is a persistent misunderstanding. According to him, it is a few Amsterdam colleagues who took advantage of the situation. “Very annoying that we are now being looked at,” he says while waiting for the delegation from the municipality of Zandvoort.


Don’t get him wrong, Belgnaoui understands that Zandvoort must be car-free during the Dutch Grand Prix. After all, this is what gives the event its green reputation. “But what do those 75 car movements make in a whole weekend?”, he wonders aloud.


He continues: “It is not just about us losing money because of this. You also have to deal with Zandvoort residents who return from holiday at Schiphol. We have to take them out of the car at Nieuw Unicum (rehabilitation center on the outskirts of the municipality, ed.). Very annoying for them. And what about older people who have to go to the hospital, for example?

Mayor David Moolenburgh, alderman Jan-Jaap de Kloet and Niels Markensteijn of the Dutch GP (left to right) talk to taxi driver Salim Belgnaoui. – Fred Segaar/NH News

When mayor David Moolenburgh, alderman Jan-Jaap de Kloet and Niels Markensteijn of the Dutch Grand Prix have arrived, Belgnaoui repeats his argument. He receives support from Edwin Gorter of the Haarlem Taxi Association. Surrounded by fellow drivers and interested shoppers, Gorter refers to conversations he had with Zandvoort officials on this subject.


Gorter has made proposals to keep the number of car movements under control by only admitting a taxi when a colleague leaves Zandvoort. He got the impression that the officials were interested, but Moolenburgh says he is not aware of the conversations.

The mayor refers to agreements that have been made for a period of three years. “They are there and offer no room to talk about them now.” Spokesman Markensteijn of the Dutch GP adds: “We have invested so much money in the accessibility of the circuit. Then we cannot just change the plans now.”


Mayor Moolenburgh does promise to continue talking after the Grand Prix, because he understands the sensitivity. But it also requires understanding. He has to “draw the line somewhere.”

He specifically refers to the choice to issue pass permits to Zandvoort and Bloemendaal taxi drivers and not to those from Haarlem. “If I do give them to Haarlem now, your colleagues in Hoofddorp will be angry again that they don’t get them. That’s how you keep going.”

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