Zennaro is back in Italy, he will be in the stands for Italy-Scotland

The Venetian businessman – former rugby player – is freed after 361 days of imprisonment in Sudan today at the Olimpico

Great news has arrived: Marco Zennaro, the 47-year-old Venetian former rugby player and entrepreneur forced into Sudan for 361 days, was finally released, returned to Italy and today will be in the stands at the Olimpico for Italy-Scotland. Zennaro was at the center of a very intricate and painful story, in a country devastated by the war between gangs. He was embroiled in a sham trial, in which he was accused of fraud and which saw 19 referrals.

The Liberty

In recent days, the resolution of the case. Zennaro left Khartoum yesterday, after a further postponement of the flight. He made a stopover in Istanbul, landed at 10 in Fiumicino welcomed by his family. From the airport, a car made available by the president of Fir Marzio Innocenti – who was Zennaro’s coach at VeneziaMestre – will take him to the stadium. After the game, return to Venice.
