Zelenskyj: Ukraine surprises with their strength

KIEV (dpa-AFX) – The Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj has emphasized the strength of his own armed forces in the fight against the Russian invasion. “Ukraine and Ukrainians are much stronger than anyone expected of us, sometimes stronger than we thought we would be,” Zelenskyy said in his nightly video message on Friday. The country showed the strength of Ukraine in the fight against the Russian invaders around the world.

In the speech, Zelenskyy recalled the recapture of Snake Island in the Black Sea a year ago. “It was one of our most important victories.” This not only regained control of the island but of a significant part of the Black Sea. “Russian terrorists needed Snake Island to destroy the whole south of the country, our beautiful Odessa and other cities.” They didn’t succeed.

Once again Zelenskyy paid tribute to the various units of the Ukrainian armed forces and named a large number of fighters who gave their lives for Ukraine’s victory. Zelenskyi said again that Ukraine is making progress with its counter-offensive. “We have made progress in all directions with our active actions.”

Strengthening the artillery in the south and east “obviously has priority,” Zelensky said. He also thanked Denmark for a new defense package, including artillery, anti-aircraft missiles and mine clearance equipment. Ukraine has been defending itself against the Russian invasion with Western help for more than 16 months./mau/DP/he
