Zelenskyi was the subject of deepfake videos

Facebook has removed videos where the Ukrainian president seems to be encouraging Ukrainians to surrender.

Zelenskyi giving a speech to the US Congress. Illustration. AOP

Facebook parent company Meta has removed from its services on Wednesday a video featuring the president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi commands the troops to surrender. In reality, Zelenskyi hasn’t said that, it’s a deepfake video fake.

With Deepfake, a person can be put to say virtually anything with the help of artificial intelligence. A lot of background material is collected about the person, which is used to create a video that looks very real, with the person’s mouth and face moving in a believable way.

It is probably a Russian attempt to wage an information war as well. Such videos try to mislead both Ukrainian citizens and other countries.

Meta Security Manager Nathaniel Gleicher said On Twitterthat the video has been removed because it violated media manipulation policies. Gleicher says the video was quickly removed.

The news TechCrunchin However, the fake video is spreading rapidly on Russia’s own “Facebook”, or VKontakte. In addition, the deepfake video has also been broadcast on the pro-Russian Telegram channel.

Ukrainian TV channel Ukraine 24 announced on Wednesday a cyber attack aimed at making the channel presumably show that deepfake video.
