Zelensky won the inauguration of Argentine president Milei bij | Buitenland

Zelensky is “op path to Argentina with the inauguration of the new president Javier Milei in te wonen”, the zondag zal plaatsvinden, aldus the Oekraïense presidentschap.

Milei, a political outsider, was born in November in the district. Zelensky feliciteerde hem en de twee unfortunately elkaar spoke by phone kort na de verkiezing. The Oekraïense president thanked Milei for his “duidelijke steun aan Oekraïne”. “Oekraïners notice this and wait for this,” said Zelensky op X, before Twitter.

Miles in the room was able to talk about the situation in which the country had been “voorgesteld dat Argentina gas theer zou zijn van een top tussen Oekraïne en Latijns-America”.

Russia was appointed ambassador in Argentina, Dmitri Feoktistov, reported by the Russian embassy.
