Zelensky warns of possible use of chemical weapons by Russia

Overview: Zelensky warns against possible use of chemical weapons by Russia

These are the main developments from Monday evening and the night from Monday to Tuesday:

  • Ukrainian fighters in the southeastern city of Mariupol say by Russian soldiers on Monday having been bombarded with a poisonous substance† The Ukrainian Azov battalion and Ukrainian media report this. However, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky did not say in his daily speech on Monday evening that chemical weapons have already been used. Zelensky does warn that Russia can use them. British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss stated on Twitter that the UK is working with partners to verify the claims.
  • Zelensky asked the West for weapons to help Ukraine defend itself against an expected Russian offensive in the east of the country. Russian troops are gathered in the Donbas for another attack on the port city of Mariupol, Ukraine said tens of thousands of people have died during the nearly seven-week siege.
  • Prime Minister Mark Rutte had a telephone conversation with Zelensky. Rutte later stated on Twitter that the Netherlands “will not rest until every apparent war crime has been investigated and those responsible have been prosecuted.”
