Zelensky: Russian tank attack near Mariupol ‘outright terror’

Zelensky: Russian tank attack near Mariupol ‘outright terror’

Russian troops carried out a tank attack near the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol on Thursday, according to Ukrainian President Zelensky, where a humanitarian corridor had been agreed. Due to Russia’s non-compliance with the temporary ceasefire, Mariupol residents have still not been able to leave the besieged city.

A convoy of trucks carrying relief supplies also had to turn around for Mariupol. Russian troops have also prevented evacuations from the city of Volnovakha, in the Donetsk region. In a televised speech, Zelensky speaks of “outright terror”. “The world needs to know this. We are dealing with a terrorist state,” he said.

According to Zelensky, about 100,000 civilians have been evacuated from besieged cities in the past two days.

A man walks with his bicycle in the ruined Ukrainian city of Mariupol. Photo Evgeniy Maloletka/AP

Russia calls for Security Council meeting

The United Nations Security Council is holding a meeting at Russia’s request, Reuters news agency reported. Russia accuses the United States of developing chemical and biological weapons in Ukraine. Russia has not yet provided evidence for the allegation.

According to the US, Russia may want to pave the way with the accusations to deploy these types of weapons itself in Ukraine. Also, according to the White House, Russia could carry out a chemical attack “under a false flag” and then blame another country for it.
