Zelensky: international community reacts too slowly

Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky lashed out at the international community in his daily speech on Thursday evening. According to Zelensky, he is reacting too slowly to the Russian aggression against his country. As an example, he cited the European Union’s unsuccessful efforts to introduce a sixth sanctions package against Russia.

“Of course, I am grateful to our friends who want new sanctions. But when did those who oppose the sixth package get so much power? Why do they still have so much to say, including in internal European affairs?” The European Commission wants to include a ban on the import of Russian oil in the sixth sanctions package. Hungary in particular, but also Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria are opposing this. The result, according to Zelensky, is that Russia still earns almost a billion euros a day from energy supplies.

According to Zelensky, since the start of the war three months ago, the international community has had numerous opportunities to hold Russia accountable, saying “Now Russia is being paid full for what it is doing against Ukraine, against European unity and against freedom as such.” .”

Zelensky also said he met with Prime Minister Mark Rutte on Thursday about how to further strengthen Ukraine’s defenses.
