Zelensky announced his desire to see China on the side of Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky declared in an interview with Fox News that he would like to see China on the side of Ukraine.

“I would like China to be on our side. But the choice is theirs. I think that without a direct connection between the United States and China, it will be impossible to achieve the result the world needs,” Zelensky said.

Chinese Foreign Ministry announced a fair position on the conflict in Ukraine

Earlier, on March 18, Chinese President Xi Jinping, in a conversation with US President Joe Biden, said that the crisis in Ukraine is “not something that China would like to see.” According to him, what is happening again demonstrates that relations between countries should not reach the point of confrontation. “Conflict and confrontation are not in anyone’s interest,” Xi Jinping said.

In addition, he noted that the United States and China should take “due international responsibility and make efforts for world peace and tranquility.”
