Zelensky addresses seven tech fairs at once as a hologram | Abroad

The speech was shown as a hologram in Paris, London, Stockholm and Zaandam. This projection could also be followed via a live stream at trade fairs in Dublin, Berlin and London.

Zelensky called on the gathered tech entrepreneurs to invest in his country. Digital transformation is the foundation of Ukraine’s reconstruction, the president said. “Our goal is to make Ukraine the freest digital country in the world.” According to Zelensky, Ukraine represents “an opportunity for a global digital revolution, an opportunity for every tech company and every visionary to showcase its value, skills, technologies and ambitions.”

Zelensky’s speech also included a film reference: “It’s unusual for presidents or government leaders to use a hologram to address people, but this isn’t the only aspect of Star Wars we’re putting into practice,” he said. “We will also defeat the evil empire”. With this, Zelensky compares the Russians to the enemy in Star Wars.

The speech can be viewed online. By scanning a QR code, people can project Zelensky onto, for example, the kitchen table to hear him speak.
