Zelenski will speak by videoconference at the NATO summit in Madrid

06/21/2022 at 10:21


The Ukrainian president will speak at the opening session, which will be attended by the 30 leaders of the Alliance countries

The president of Ukraine, Volodímir Zelenski, will speak at the next NATO summit to be held in Madrid on June 29 and 30, but he will do so by videoconference, as confirmed by Ihor Zhovkva, deputy head of the presidential office.

“The President of Ukraine… has been invited to participate in the summit via video link. The President has been invited to speak at the first session of this summit, that is, the inaugural session, which will be attended by the 30 leaders, the NATO alliesZhovkva said, according to the local Ukrinform agency.

He noted that the event will result in the adoption of a new strategic defense concept for NATO with which to face the next decade.

A final declaration will be approved at this meeting and, according to Zhovkva, the situation in Ukraine, as well as the Russian aggression that began on February 24, will play a prominent role in these documents.

It is expected that the Madrid summit, with some 40 world leaders, including those from member countries and guests, and 5,000 attendeesset the course for the military alliance for the next decade as NATO faces Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Zhovkva also said that President Zelensky would attend the Group of Seven (G7) summit next week.
