Zeldzaam kalfje met twee gezichten born in VS: “Ze heeft al veel verwachtingen exceeded” | Buitenland

KIJK. ‘Deux Face’ can be viewed freely

It can be written on a sheet of paper with two faces and is written on 1 op 400 million, including Eric and Dawn Breaux in a report on Facebook. The Breaux family runs a farm in Cossinade in the southern state of Louisiana.

The most calfjes met ‘polycefalie’, zoals de aandoening heet, come never levend ter world. Sommige leven grandchildren uren of dagen, hoewel he also a geval bekend is van een kalf dat veertig dagen in leven bleef, reports persbureau AP. “We want this to be a good thing for us to have our grandchildren in our lives,” said Dawn Breaux, who was born in the bijzondere kalfje. “It was born in the best light of day.”

The face has its own eyes praying in that, you can see an update on the characteristics of the next week. With eight days or so, it is important to do so beforehand. “Ze kan moeilijk haar hoofd optillen, maar nu ze sterker wordt tilt ze het meer op. Ze kan niet zelfstandig staan, dus ze kan niet drinken bij haar moeder.” The hair is born with milk and a bottle.

“Ze lijkt geen pijn te hebben”, can be read in another Facebook report. “We have our hair continu in the gate and bekijken het per day. The quality of the performance has been surpassed, and the results have already been learned. We hope for the best, we are ready for the first time.”
