Zeker two doden en zeven wonden na raketaanval op appartementengebouw in Kramatorsk | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

“Alweer een terrorist aanslag by de criminelen en terroristen uit Russia,” reports Andrij Jermak, head of the presidential administration, working on Telegram. Hij posted a photo of a flat building in Puin. Hoeveel slachtoffers he exactly zijn gevallen, is not yet duidelijk. He can nog mensen onder het puin liggen, het clicks.

The Oekraïense President Volodymyr Zelensky is overtuigd that het a Russian rocket is concerned. “The only way to stop the Russian terrorism is to stop it,” he wrote on Twitter. “Mead tanks. Straaljagers. long-range missiles.”

Moscow has never been confirmed that it has been hit by a building by a Russian rocket. Kiev near Moscow are accused of the beginning of the invasion of their homeland by het lukraak besieged by civil infrastructure, an accusation that Moscow steevast ververts. Previously, there were still at least 44 mensen before the leven toen a Russian rocket in a flat building in the oostelijke city of Dnipro rockets.

The Russian troops try the city of Kramatorsk and the Donetsk region in hand.
