Zeker four doden na stortvloeden in Pennsylvania | Buitenland

At least four menses have arrived in the American state of Pennsylvania. Three others, but like a baby van negen maanden oud, zijn still missed. That’s when the local brandweercommandant Tim Brewer said it was a personal meeting.

The storage will be held on December 30th in the city of Trenton, close to the border with the state of New Jersey. In less than 170 millimeters of rain it fell, Aldus Brewer.

The slachtoffers will be meegesleurd in hun auto’s. “We treat it as a redding operation, but we will only see it when we have moments in bergingsmodus”, said the brandweer commander in connection with the overlevingskansen van de misten.

Extremely weer

Moments later the United States was hit by extreme weather conditions. Terwijl Miljoenen mensen in het zuiden van het land kreunen onder a hittegolf, is het north east de voorbije met by different overflows.

Secondly, the contract for the American service will not be extended to the state of New York, depending on the city in Connecticut. In the area all seeded zowat 5 million mensen. The governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, reported that he was aware that there was a possible rainstorm.

Op Long Island and in a big part of New England is also a tornado wave of cracks. Honderden vluchten op de New Yorkse Luchthavens JFK en LaGuardia are scraped bovendien of liepen contracting op.

Greeks remain puffed in a staan ​​for new hittegolf, also the rest of South Europe booked onder hitte: hoe zit het bij ons?

HITTEKAART. How heet word het op jouw vacancy order? Meteorology: “Here the thermometers are 45 degrees aanwijzen”
