Zeker 13 doden and 46 wound at explosion in Indonesian factory | Buitenland

De ontploffing bij PT Indonesia Tsingshan Stainless Steel deed zich omstreeks 5.30 uur plaatselijke tijd (22.30 uur zaterdagavond Belgian tijd; nvdr) voor. “He had a moment of 51 fights. “The number of people in the building was overtaken, 38 people were small and large,” he says in a personal report. A local word that was taken later was taken into consideration. Onder de doden zijn, behalve negen Indonesians, also four Chinese.

Volgens het first onderzoek zou de ontploffing geurd zijn tijdens manufacturingswerken aan en hoogoven. There is a fireable airflow from the outside, which fires up in the adjacent fuel tanks spread across the tanks. The fire was accidentally blown.

On the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, which was previously used, the word was processed very little. The material has a significant impact on the use of the battery of the electric vehicle and the product on the roof. China is investing in the nickel processing industry in Sulawesi, and the work in the sector is poor. Well the factory was now worth the money, financed with Chinees money.
