Zeeman expands its activities in France

The Dutch Zeeman Group, present in France since 1991, continues to expand in the country. In the last quarter of 2021, the brand launched its online shop and expanded its activities to reach a wider clientele.

With 302 stores in France, Zeeman is well represented in the country. The recent launch of the website is part of the company’s expansion strategy: “After the Netherlands and Belgium, France is the third country where our online shop is operational. It’s still in its infancy and has yet to be known. We are constantly learning and improving the platform because we believe in an omnichannel strategy where our online store improves sales in our physical stores and vice versa,” Kasper Figee, Marketing Manager at Zeeman, told FashionUnited are among the new priorities of the company, which currently has no further store openings planned.

Zeeman’s commitment

Zeeman’s corporate strategy also includes its commitment to more sustainable fashion. Currently, just over 50 percent of the cotton used by the company is sustainable. Zeeman has set a goal of reaching 90 percent by 2023.

“We distinguish ourselves by producing high quality, responsibly produced clothing and textiles and offering them at the lowest possible prices. Our business model is actually quite simple,” analyzes the marketing manager. The brand is also committed to complying with certain ethical rules: fighting child labor, ensuring safe workspaces, normal working weeks and decent wages. Dedicated teams regularly visit their factories to ensure that the working conditions are in line with the set requirements Fair Wear Foundation affiliated, an independent organization dedicated to improving working conditions in garment factories.

On March 19, Zeeman started a cleaning campaign in the districts where the company has stores in Europe. The employees and customers of the 1300 Zeeman stores in Europe were invited to participate in this initiative.

Zeeman was founded in 1967 and, in addition to France, is also represented in the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain and Austria.

This translated post previously appeared on FashionUnited.fr. Translation and editing: Karenita Haalck
