Zeedz: This is how the mobile game from DHDL performs in the test

While the games industry is currently stumbling a bit, new ideas are needed. This is what the mobile game “Zeedz” offers, which is why founder Sven Junglas presents it in the investment show “The Lion’s Den”. TECHBOOK tested the game.

The Mobile game “Zeedz” is intended to combine the fun of gaming with the fight against climate change. To achieve this, founder Sven Junglas relies on an interesting concept. “Zeedz” combines playful challenges with learning content and real weather phenomena. In “The Lions’ Den” (VOX, 8:15 p.m., October 16, 2023), the Berlin-based company and its mobile game introduce themselves to the lions. Junglas wants 600,000 euros for ten percent of the company shares. Does this calculation work? TECHBOOK has already taken a closer look at the game “Zeedz” in the test.

What is Zeedz anyway?

“Zeedz” – which definitely looks catchier than the original word “Seeds” – is all about the topics of nature and weather. Behind the title are colorful little creatures who work together to fight the evil Lord CO the Second, who causes extreme weather phenomena all over the world.

To do this, the player must plant different zeedles and adapt optimally to the different weather areas. “Zeedz” relies on proven concepts such as entertaining small round-robin battles and an intuitive reward system.

But it is also the first mobile game that is not about a “pay to win” principle, but rather about “play for purpose”. With “Pay to win,” players pay money to receive special weapons that make playing easier. “Play for Purpose” should, if possible, have a real effect that serves a charitable goal – that’s what “Zeedz” is all about. Ten percent of the company’s revenue and 50 percent of the profits on the in-game marketplace go to green non-profit projects around the world.

Mobile game Zeedz in the test

The concept of “Zeedz” definitely makes you curious. That’s why TECHBOOK has already tested the mobile game in the iOS version.

Zeedles for the win

It all starts with a gathering of the very cute Zeedles waiting for the arrival of a new Zeedle. The player can then choose directly between the three basic types: Rainy, Sunny and Windy. Each Zeedle brings with it its own abilities that are tailored to its type – and these are also needed directly.

Because the evil CO the Second invades with his army of monsters, which now needs to be fought. “Zeedz” relies on well-known mechanisms such as type strengths and weaknesses. Now the player must raise a Zeedle army to curb the weather phenomena around the world.

To do this, you plant zeedles adapted to the terrain all over the world map. What’s special: The creatures grow not only through the player’s care, but also through weather events in our real world in real time in the respective region. So if it’s too dry, the player will notice it on his Zeedles. By finding out about the respective region and possibilities for CO2 reduction, you can take countermeasures to a certain extent.

Colorful nature and earworm potential

What immediately stands out are the versatile, colorful Zeedles, which is what the game is all about. A wide variety of types are available. To create a balanced group, it’s worth really understanding the types.

The mobile game relies on intuitive, clear processes. As of now it is a really clean and not overloaded app. The whole thing is combined with a relaxing, catchy soundtrack.

The game refers to real weather dataPhoto: TECHBOOK via Zeedz

Our test conclusion about Zeedz

Mobile game with purpose

“Even if you can’t necessarily say that the games industry is on a downward trend – the sales figures are too good for that – things don’t look ideal at the moment. The reasons for this are complex, but one point is also the constantly growing competition, which is making it increasingly difficult for smaller developers to position themselves.
In this context, the concept of “Zeedz” represents a welcome change – for me in any case. The fresh, colorful design and the catchy music fit well with the message of the game and are enjoyable. The loving details and the villain reminiscent of Gargamel do something for me, not to mention of course the ambition behind the game.
How often have I ended up spending a few euros on something that is only useful for the game itself, such as an energy boost or a new companion animal. “Zeedz” underpins this concept with an actual purpose – and hopefully effect. After a somewhat fiddly start, I really enjoyed the mobile game and will definitely continue playing it!” – Marlene Polywka, editor

Zeedz at DHDL

“Our goal is to support the fight against climate change by combining fun with meaning,” says founder Sven Junglas. He conceived and developed the game together with Benjamin Ebner and Lukas Motsch in 2021.

The hope is the large target group. In Germany alone, over 30 million people play regularly, and there are over 3 billion active gamers worldwide. At the same time, interest in topics such as climate change is also growing. So the calculation could work. Now we have to convince the lions Ralf Dümmel, Nils Glagau, Carsten Maschmeyer, Tillmann Schulz and Dagmar Wöhrl.
