Zebra finches breeder Jan Pastoor: ‘I am proud of all my zebra finches’

This time it is the National Bird Championship in collaboration with the Animal Parade North Show. This means that not only birds are present but also other animals. About 10,000 in total. “That is very nice for us, because who knows, more visitors may come and take a look because there are also other animals to see,” says the breeder.

Jan Pastoor’s zebra finches will be inspected next Tuesday. He takes thirty with him to the National Championships. “But I am proud of all my zebra finches.”

His zebra finches were the most beautiful last year and that is why the resident of Steenwijksmoer was declared the best entrant. Whether he is also the best this year remains to be seen. “It depends on the birds, but also on the judges. Theoretically it is possible, but I don’t assume so,” says Pastoor.

For many people, January is the start of a new year, but for the zebra finch breeder the National Championships are the final show. “This is the last show, so it’s the end. And after this the breeding season starts and the first shows start again in September.”

Jan Pastoor explains exactly how breeding works and where the love for the zebra finch comes from in the video below
