“Ze weten het al wel”: politie onderzoekt nog altijd mystery dood van drie Kansas City Chiefs fans in tuin van vriend | Buitenland

Ricky Johnson (38), David Harrington (37) and Clayton McGeeney (36) will be found on January 9th in the morning of Jordan Willis (38). Ze hadden allaal seeds to the NFL-wedstrijd from the Kansas City Chiefs. Het overlijden van de three comrades blijft vooralsnog a mystery. The policy is in an update that we hope is “geen enkele aanwijzing voor kwaad opzet is”. Volgens de in America confessed forensic pathologist Michael Baden kent de politie wel al de doodsoorzaak en wer he drugs mee gemoeid.

The death of the trio of Chiefs fans is three weeks old. The verloofde van McGeeney from the three men on January 9th in the current year was born in the house of Jordan Willis in Kansas City, two of them were born on the American Football team in Kansas City Chiefs, te kijken. Volgens zijn advocaat wist Willis zelf van niets. Hij was innengebleven and thought that their maten near the house were gone. A lot of people had passed away from the house.

The lijkschouwer can only be used by the three people over the shoulder. “This is at least 100 percent an overlijdensonderzoek en niks meer,” from the politics of Kansas City to the ‘People’. “We still have our grandchildren in the kitchen, and no one is oppakt.” The politics of the era came to the Willis “goed meewerkte met de speurders op de dag dat de overledenen sind gevonden”.

On Fox News, Michael Baden, a renowned forensic pathologist, drugs as a mogelijke oorzaak: “Het kan zijn dat ze all four iets hebben genomen waardoor ze het consciousness lost. Willis loses consciousness within and slips away. The others lost consciousness in the snow in the snow. Within the limit of the temperature from 36.6 degrees to 26.6 degrees, the hard limit is reached and the person dies in a hard standstill. Door undercooling”. Baden legend uit dat de meeste gelijktijdige sterfgevallen has been veroorzaakt by koolmonoxidevergiftiging, maar dat can allen innenshuis.

Forensic pathologist Michael Baden. © Getty Images

Omdat ze buiten overleden zijn, were he volgens Baden heel waarschijnlijk verdovende middelen in the game. “That can be recreated again, so that one of the overdose drugs died,” the legend says. “Misschien knew ze niet wilke substanties ze dead zich names, raken ze verward en raken ze bewusteloos.” Baden voegde eraan toe that “geen natuurlijke ziektes bestaan ​​wasardoor three gezonde mensen tegelijkertijd kunnen omkomen”. Baden verwees on the drug fentanyl, a strong bottle stiller, mogelijk in combination with alcohol. “Various variants of fentanyl can be obtained quickly from the West. I’ll just slap it right away.”

Now after Baden “weet de politie het al wel”. “Ze ware ter plaatse, kregen daar informatie, also about what it is used.” Baden gaat ervan uit dat de politie now op zoek is naar wie de drugs heeft geleverd. “We know the doodsoorzaak, ze weten intussen which withered chemical substances he zaten in the lichamen. The medical onderzoek is intussen al afgerond.”

Uiteraard zijn also de rouwende families van de three mannen op zoek naar antwoorden. The mothers of Johnson, Norma Chester, both of them had their hair in the 66th year and the four of them were told that their hair was overgrown. They were born in Lebanon in the state of Missouri over their four-year-old daughter, before the moment of Johnson’s doom and anger.


Many supporters of the Kansas City Chiefs have their seeds in the NFL, three of which are the mysteries in vrieskou in the city of Gastheer
