ZDF is apparently planning its own Twitter alternative

ZDF is currently working and researching on a major project. The goal: to create a public-law alternative to the major American social media platforms, above all Twitter.

Everyone is talking about Twitter, especially in the recent past – most recently, of course, primarily because of the takeover by Elon Musk. However, this made it clear once again how much such platforms depend on private-sector interests. Musk changed many regulations on Twitter almost overnight, fired employees and redesigned the platform according to his ideas. Such large networks need appropriate moderation and are also repeatedly confronted with misinformation and hate speech, which must be countered professionally. That’s why ZDF is apparently now working with other well-known partners on a public service alternative to Twitter and Co. What’s behind it?

ZDF is part of the “Public Spaces Incubator” project

ARD boss Gniffke has just announced that he wants to adapt and expand the group’s digital program. Now ZDF is going in a similar, slightly different direction. Together with public broadcasters from Switzerland (SRG SSR), Canada (CBC) and Belgium (RTBF) they are now working on the research project “Public Spaces Incubator”.

There is a big idea behind the somewhat unwieldy name. Together they want to “develop online-based solutions to enable civic engagement and democratic discourse in the digital space away from hate comments and increasing disinformation.” Ideally, one would like to create a platform for open discourse that exists independently of private interests and an alternative to the predominantly US American media.

Twitter alternative from ZDF against hate online

The broadcasters are tackling the ambitious project together with the non-profit organization New_Public, which specializes in the field of digital communication, among other things. ZDF director Norbert Himmler says:

Democracy thrives on an open and fair dialogue in society. We must not leave that to the big American platforms. The ‘Public Spaces Incubator’ project aims to show ways in which public service broadcasting can set up independent and fact-based communication spaces in the digital world. Our common goal is to counter the increase in hate, violence, propaganda and defamation on social media with a public service alternative.

Norbert Himmler, ZDF press portal

The first thing to do is obviously to determine what is possible and sensible in this area. It should explicitly not be about commercial and marketing aspects. Accordingly, it is not yet clear what the ZDF Twitter alternative could look like.


  • DWDL (“ZDF wants to develop an alternative to Twitter and Co.”, accessed on February 10, 2023)
  • ZDF (“ZDF and international partners start research project for open dialogue on the web”, accessed on February 10, 2023)
