Zaventem is campaign contractingen: 7 op de 10 volchten vertrekken niet op tijd | tease

Volgens OAG had contracted three months (72 percent) from flights to Brussels Airport in the first few days of July. In combination with 2.5 percent of the total amount of air flow, it delivers the highest percentage of contracted air flow in Europe. Zaventem was followed by Frankfurt (68 percent contracted) and Eindhoven (67 percent). Schiphol agrees on the eighth place with 61 percent contracts and vijf percent cancellations. Het Noord-Italiaanse Bergamo pronkt as the best presterend air haven: since what begins in July, three percent of the air is contracted and another percentage is charged.

As a result, Brussels Airport in Luchtvaarteconoom Eddy Van de Voorde said he was in Zaventem wel sea rekening housing with aansluitingen waardoor vluchten soms consciously a few minutes later trekking. Bovendien is het aantal luchtvaartmaatschappijen the act zijn op de verschillende luchthavens erg verschillend. “Maar we recognize the inferior punctuality”, says Nathalie Pierard, head of Brussels Airport. “Dat heeft onder Meer te maden met de personeelstekorten bij bagage-afhandelaars en paspoortcontroles. Bij ons beg de zomervakantie also op 1 july, in tegenstelling tot other Europese land.” Brussels Airport arrives at the end of the day with cities for the period, which means that 8.6 percent of the sea with a contracting van less then four minutes vertical and two other van de Vluchten with the sea then 16 minutes contracting near the planned vertical road.

De afgelopen weken were he also al vanishing stakingen of long guards door een personeelstekort:
