Zakharova invited Bloomberg to clarify the forecast for an attack on Ukraine

The official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Maria Zakharova, suggested to the agency Bloomberg clarify the forecast for Russia’s allegedly planned attack on Ukraine. About this she wrote in the Telegram channel.

“We all remember that the American agency Bloomberg published a message that on February 15 “Russia will attack Ukraine.” Doesn’t this SMD (mass disinformation medium) want to clarify the forecast?” Zakharova wrote.

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A spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry added that the agency “has a couple of hours left to repent” before “it turns into a pumpkin, and those who used it to propagate the war into rats.”

Earlier, February 11, Bloomberg citing sources in Kiev, he said that the alleged Russian invasion of Ukraine could begin on February 15. Der Spiegel, in turn, citing sources among diplomats and the military who are familiar with the course of the classified US briefings, wrote about the possible start of hostilities on February 16.


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