Zaanse rainbow parade in miniature: ‘showing how colorful the world can be’

“I just don’t have calluses on my hands yet,” says Oscar Salomé Bodelier and shows his thumb with plaster. In a shop window on the west side in Zaandam, the same street has been recreated from Lego. Oscar and co-builder Jan van Run-Kvist think that 100,000 pieces were used to recreate the rainbow parade that will pass the shop window on 11 June.

Jan and Oscar want to show how colorful and diverse the world can be. They also really enjoy building with Lego. “Zaanpride is just a party,” says Oscar. He loves being able to replicate his fantasy and hopes that this will become more and more reality.

Gay adult fans of Lego

The two meet on the American ‘Gay adult fans of Lego’ Facebook page. And guess what: they lived only 500 meters away from each other in Zaanstad. The collaboration for the Lego Parade came about quickly. The building is in the display window of clothing store ‘Het’ on the West side.

In addition to the colorful parade, the history of LGBTIQ+ history is also on display. For example, the Stonewall riots are depicted. In June 1969, after years of police violence against the LGBTIQ+ community in New York, visitors to the Stonewell cafe fought back for the first time. The first gay marriage in Amsterdam has also been recreated in Lego.
