Zaandamers are holding their breath, because another car went up in flames

Another hit in Zaandam: tonight another car went up in flames. The fire service extinguished it, but the vehicle is a total loss, according to bystanders. A bottle of alcohol was found at the scene.

Tonight around half past eight in the district of Poelenburg, Zaandam, a car caught fire. The fire started at the front of the vehicle. The police are currently investigating. A bottle of alcohol has been seized. That most likely indicates arson.

Hit every time

In Poelenburg it has been a regular hit lately. A meeting was even scheduled last month. The neighborhood is very concerned. because will my car be next? Mayor Jan Hamming announced camera surveillance at the emergency meeting. Visible cameras have been installed at four locations in the district.

At the end of last month, another suspect arrested for at least one car fire in Poelenburg.
