Yvonne Coldeweijer spent 48 euros on croquette photo: ‘Superb!’

Yvonne Coldeweijer spent 48 euros on the croquette photo she took to celebrate her final victory over Rachel Hazes. “But those fifteen croquettes weren’t even enough!”


The croquette case that Rachel Hazes brought against Yvonne Coldeweijer meant that the juice queen is officially no longer allowed to say ‘cremated croquette’, but after a threat of an appeal, the professional widow has promised not to impose fines in the event of a violation. As a result, Yvonne still won the croquette issue.

48 euros

To celebrate, Yvonne posted a photo in her Instagram account a few weeks ago.stories from behind a whole mountain of croquettes. “It was 48 euros,” she explains The Juice Show.

Colleague Mark Koster: “Yes, great photo, you did that nicely, but way too much. Did you eat them all?”

Yvonne: “Well, I didn’t really have spatial insight. I didn’t know how many croquettes could make such a mountain. It was also a bit of a fake mountain as it was only the front of the mountain that I made. So actually 15 wasn’t even enough.”


Mark laughs: “I think that bill should go to Rachel Hazes. I think so. And we are done with that.”

Yvonne: “Yes, I think so too.”

She still stands by her decision not to appeal. “Rob Goossens said at RTL Boulevard: ‘Listen, I don’t understand why Yvonne isn’t going through with it.’ And then I think: do you see yourself arriving at the Court, with three judges?”


Yvonne didn’t see that. “Then you stand there and say: ‘Yes, actually it’s already a bit off the track, because Mrs Hazes doesn’t really need it anymore, but I’m standing here anyway.’ Then you just get a little annoying. That’s not what it’s all about.”

“It is enough. You shouldn’t be draming either.”
