Yvonne Coldeweijer shocks Flemish show media: ‘What is this?!’

Yvonne Coldeweijer is causing a shock wave in the Flemish media now that she has spread gossip about a well-known Fleming for the first time. “Keep that gossip in the Netherlands!”


According to Yvonne Coldeweijer, it is as clear as a stone: according to her, the Dutch K3 singer Julia Boschman has cheated on Metejoor, a Flemish singer who was born as Joris van Rossem. “Flemish showbiz media have known about it for a while, but Studio 100 is doing everything it can to prevent this from being leaked.”

Yvonne on one

Now that Yvonne has spread her rumor, the Flemish showbiz media are completely on their back legs. Het Laatste Nieuws, the largest newspaper in Flanders, has written an entire article about it. ‘The Dutch gossip queen is now also focusing on BV: ‘Julia van K3 cheated on Metejoor’ reads the headline

It has been the most read article of Het Laatste Nieuws all day. Rubbing hands so they benefit a lot from Yvonne’s juice, but in front of the stage they lash out at the juice queen. “Why does Yvonne just ignore the most elementary rules of journalism with her juice channel?”

‘Fake news!’

Het Laatste Nieuws dismisses Yvonne’s rumors as ‘fake news’. As if they are in Julia and Metejoor’s bedroom every night. “It is unchecked, unconfirmed and now also denied news.”

Hans Francken, the manager of Metejoor, calls it ‘total nonsense’ in the newspaper. “Unfortunately, we can’t do much against this kind of fake news. If you are famous, sooner or later you will have to deal with this kind of gossip. Hopefully the storm will subside as soon as possible.”

“We don’t believe this!”

The Flemish showbiz site Showbizzsite is also cited in the newspaper article. The good hendriken of that website breathes: “How easy it is to get people through the mud, we are glad that we in Flanders are not so into gossip, that seems to be mainly a Dutch phenomenon and let’s keep it that way. ”

Apparently they have no idea about Yvonne’s yet track record† “No, we don’t believe this story launched by Yvonne Coldeweijer, it’s far too easy to launch something like this on the basis of a few messages. Because there are no photos or videos, so how easy is it to come up with such gossip out of thin air?”

Yvonne responds

Yvonne reacts resignedly to the cold reception in Flanders. She finds the Flemish media hypocritical:
