Yvonne Coldeweijer receives an invitation from Meilandjes: ‘She is unique!’

Yvonne Coldeweijer has been invited by the Meilandjes to appear in their new program Chateau Meiland VIPS, in which they interview celebrity duos. “She’s unique!”

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It is no secret that Yvonne Coldeweijer is always relatively mild about the Meilandjes, despite the fact that this is a TV family that irritates many people. Fortunately for them, they also have a decent fan base and their program on SBS 6 is still very well watched. Maxime Meiland states that she is in direct contact with the juice queen.


According to Maxime, there is even a form of teamwork. She states that Yvonne sometimes forwards messages to check whether it is correct, for example when Juice Channel suggested something about her finances.

The juice channel hinted at financial distress because Maxime had sold her car. “’Girl, this isn’t true at all, is it?’, Yvonne sent me, to which I responded: ‘No, I just bought a new car.’ And then she posts that to correct it, which I really like.”

Erica fan

Anyway: mother Erica Meiland is also a fan of Yvonne, she says The Telegraph. The reality star hoped that she would visit Chateau Meiland VIPS, the new program in which the Meilandjes interview famous Dutch people such as Yvonne’s latest enemy Gordon.

Erica: “Yvonne Coldeweijer has also been asked. She wanted to, but she was about to give birth. I think she’s unique. She tells it like it is and doesn’t like people who cheat. She never talks about us, we don’t do things like that.”

List of celebrities

The Meilandjes were allowed to submit a list of names to the production that they would like to get to know better. “We asked for Catherine Keyl, Patty Brard, Koen Pieter van Dijk, Sylvia Geersen and Viktor Brand.”

Caroline van der Plas and John de Bever will appear in the premiere episode tonight. “John thought Martien would be a noise parrot, but that was just a prejudice. He even brought his own coffee machine because he likes his own cups best.”
