Yvonne Coldeweijer reacts to ‘dirty looks’ Bridget Maasland

Yvonne Coldeweijer was not looked down upon by Bridget Maasland during her performance at RTL Boulevard, as her showbiz mother Angela de Jong thought she saw. “That is not true.”


As one of the main characters in the Hazes saga, Bridget Maasland has been regularly treated in The Popcorn Show by juice queen Yvonne Coldeweijer. Last year she spread a spicy rumor about an alleged cold war between Bridget and her colleague Nikkie Plessen. And on Monday she was suddenly side by side with Bridget in RTL Boulevard.

Yvonne vs Bridget

AD opinion diva Angela de Jong, whom Yvonne calls her showbiz mother, thought she signaled bent toes in Bridget. “I was intrigued by Bridget’s non-verbal attitude. (…) You could very well notice that there was some old soreness. Bridget looked at her so dirty and distant,” she says on her podcast.

No, Yvonne really has to deny this, she indicates on her juice channel† “LOL. I’m going to debunk this. Bridg has been very professional and friendly towards me! We chatted for a while and she also helped me and gave me tips, so I didn’t really experience it that way.”

Neatly hidden

It is of course also possible that Yvonne missed Bridget’s non-verbal attitude. “If she wasn’t completely happy with my arrival, at least she hid it neatly from me. By the way, all Boulie’s team was helpful and very professional. Really nice security everywhere. Looks like Fort Knox!”

Bridget seems to agree with Yvonne’s reaction. She has reposted it on her own Instagram channel.


Yvonne and Bridget’s stories:
