Yvonne Coldeweijer prepares for Özcan Akyol exit: ‘Fiasco!’

Yvonne Coldeweijer seriously takes into account that Özcan Akyol’s career has passed its peak now that he has lost credibility due to howler movie gate. “Fiasco!”


39-year-old Özcan Akyol has had a bizarre month. He has his ex-TVbestie violently put aside and the whole country watched. At one point we saw him suggest in every talk show that there is a video of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk circulating in which he turns green and starts screaming like a kind of Hulk.

Thick and thin

In reality, the howler video turned out to be so tame that even Eus’ own colleagues at Today Inside wondered whether it was worth the knife in Matthijs’ back. Johan Derksen certainly doesn’t think so. “If your best friend is on your back, you should have supported him through thick and thin, because that is your friend,” he admonished him in VI.

Johan finds it really disappointing from Eus. “He never needed you, he helped you with your career on TV and now he needs you for a while and now you’re turning away from him. That is not possible.”


Yvonne Coldeweijer thinks that Özcan has seriously damaged herself, she says The Juice Show. “It’s about the fact that he is lying and Eus was quite a reliable person with quite a reliable image.”

Co-host Mark Koster agrees: “Very reliable. In fact, he lectures us. He seemed like a street boy who saw it all and was very put into perspective, but here he became stuck.”

Yvonne: “This was a fiasco for a while. This was, well, call it a blunder.”

‘Is it true?’

Mark wants to know from Yvonne whether Eus is on the edge of the abyss. “But what do you think, will it affect him?”

Yes, Yvonne answers. “His credibility and reliability… Look, the next time he says something – it’s a bit like The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf – you think: Eus says it, could it be true? And off you go. Because that is the moment in your relationship when you no longer trust your partner and then you start searching.”


If Özcan claims anything again in the future, Yvonne thinks he will have to deal with the blowing up of that Matthijs howler film until the end of time.

“I think it’s some kind of glacier that’s crashing down and that we won’t hear much from him in a few years. I think so.”
