Yvonne Coldeweijer makes RVD furious with photos of party Amalia

Yvonne Coldeweijer makes the RVD furious by posting a number of festive Amalia photos. The army of press officers of the royal family has asked her not to do that anymore.

© RVD, YouTube

Even Princess Amalia can’t escape the juice channels. A month ago, Yvonne Coldeweijer made big news by publishing a photo of the princess on crutches. It kept people busy and royalty fan Sandra Schuurhof indicated that he did not understand why the regular media did not dare to publish the photo.

Drinking Amalia

After this week’s huge Privé blunder – the magazine has the wrong Amalia page on the cover – Yvonne has published some photos of the real Amalia in Lech as a tease. She’s gone wild in this Austrian ski resort during the royals’ recent vacation.

Amalia has been photographed drinking so much by Yvonne’s spies that the juice queen now calls the princess ‘Spritzes’. In her closed Telegram group, Yvonne even shares a photo with Amalia and sister Alexia. She asks her subscribers not to forward this.

RVD angry

Yvonne is now being reprimanded by the Government Information Service. It uses a media code that prohibits media from publishing photos of the Oranges just like that. She writes: “OMG GOALS. Received a letter from the RVD. If I don’t want to post private photos of our Spritzes anymore. Because that’s not allowed. Because they introduced that rule themselves.”

She continues: “I replied that I cannot promise that. Our Amaal is really in a mood. .”

Alexander Klöpping

Alexander Klöpping thinks it will be exciting:
