Yvonne Coldeweijer laughs at hearing both sides of the coin: ‘BN people still lie!’

Yvonne Coldeweijer does not understand the accusation that she does not apply adversarial procedure. She thinks it adds nothing to her juice channel. “All celebrities lie! That’s why I’m doing this too, isn’t it?!”


Samantha Steenwijk has given Yvonne Coldeweijer’s juice channel a lot of publicity by filing a lawsuit against her about a non-subject: diet pills. The juice queen even made it to the much-watched half-eighth edition of RTL Nieuws on Friday evening. RTL Boulevard and Jinek also spoke extensively about it.

Bridget critical

What came back in all three programs? The fact that Yvonne, like most juice channels, often does not apply adversarial. Yvonne was also asked about this by a reporter from RTL Nieuws. “Hear and hear again? Then I’m going to ask, “Hey Samanth, have you taken any pills?” Yes, what is she going to say?” she responded.

Bridget Maasland finds hearing both sides important, she says in RTL Boulevard. “Of course, Samantha has a point somewhere that there is no adversarial procedure with these types of channels. I can imagine that it is still pinching somewhere.”

Yes, that was also a bit wrong with Eva Jinek when Bridget suggested last year without adversity that Eva was pregnant for the second time. The talk show diva called it ‘Blogdwerk’.


Özcan Akyol thinks juice channels are ‘a dangerous development’, he says in Eva’s talk show. “Yvonne is the supreme being now and more and more young people think this is normal, so more and more juice channels are emerging where this is happening.”

Eva: “You know what it is? A lot of people watch it, read it and follow it, so you can judge it, but she also says quite honestly, ‘People like it.’”

Angela de Jong: “I think all the things they have brought out that she is now getting wet on diet pills… I think so…”

Eva: “Because those other things were serious, you mean?”

Angela: “Yes, the accusations against Marco Borsato and everything that subsequently resulted in the Voice scandal… And then it is now the stone pills ehh the slimming pills of Samantha Steenwijk that she stumbles over!”

Boundaries fade away

Rob Goossens notices that boundaries are very blurry. His own RTL Boulevard opened on Friday with Yvonne’s attack on Danny de Munk, who is said to have been guilty of transgressive behaviour.

In the past, that would never appear in the mainstream media so quickly, says Rob. “I remember when John and I first discussed the Marco Borsato case. Then the limit was real: as long as there is no accusation of criminal offenses and there is no report, we will not say anything about it, because it is so potentially harmful to the person it is about.”

“Those kinds of boundaries are now being violated weekly, if not daily. The juice channels play an important role in this.”

Yvonne responds

Yvonne responds in her Instagram stories to the criticism about the lack of hearing both sides. “So I was just watching Jinek and I already saw it in the news and in Boul that everyone is now talking about the fact that I don’t apply adversarial procedure, but guys, you know why I started this channel ? All celebrities lie!”

She continues: “Why am I doing this too?! I mean: what’s the added value that I’m going to ask that? They still say no! Do you understand? That’s the reason I started that whole thing, because I don’t believe them! Isn’t it.”

“Don’t call me!”

For her latest video about Danny de Munk, Yvonne has not applied adversarial either, she informs Shownieuws when asked. She used ‘the same method’ as with Samantha.

What happens if you ask such a Danny for a reaction? Rob Goossens: “We tried, but the management says we can no longer call Danny and I think we have to conclude from that that Danny does not intend to say anything about this.”
