Yvonne Coldeweijer knows what Robert Jensen deserves: ‘Tonnen!’

Yvonne Coldeweijer knows what Robert Jensen, brother of Frank Dane, earns with his online talk show about conspiracies. According to her, it concerns hundreds of thousands of euros. “Per month.”

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According to Yvonne Coldeweijer, it is quite hilarious that Albert Verlinde is so disparaging about Robert Jensen’s online talk show. She points out that he earns an incredible amount of money with it, even more than regular TV stars earn. “What Robert does, I have so much respect for that,” she says in her podcast The Juice Show.

tons per month

Robert is a top entrepreneur, Yvonne thinks. “That you say that the rooster no longer crows at him, that is really not true. This guy, huh, do you know how many subscribers he has, how many backers? Between 10 and 20 thousand per month. And I know that because I have also been with the same thing, hats off.”

Robert’s followers can support him via Petje.af by automatically transferring an amount per month. The standard options range from 5 to 100 euros per month. “He gets donations, he doesn’t pay taxes on that, right? This man, I swear to you, rakes in tons a month. Tons.”

Hats off to Robert

Yvonne thinks Robert is incredibly clever. “Hats off, literally, to Robert Jensen doing this on his own on the internet. Because they pretend that if you’re on the internet, you don’t count anymore. You only count if you come on TV. What?! That’s really prehistoric. He has a fanbase I have you there and he cashes in on that.”

She emphasizes that she does not necessarily support the content of Robert’s program. “Then we’re not talking about the content, are we? I don’t care what anyone is talking about. They say the earth is flat. It doesn’t interest me, but the point is: I respect entrepreneurs.”

‘He’s a rebel’

Media journalist Mark Koster supports Robert in his argument with Albert. “I am all Jensen in this camp. I even worked for him once. I just think Jensen: what he says sometimes makes no sense, but I think he is an entrepreneur and a media personality… He is a rebel, he stands upright in his own sovereign world.”

Yvonne: “He is also involved in truth-finding. And a lot of people think: ooh and the corona and this and that. But it’s so nice that people search for the truth, I love it.

Cowardly man

Her co-host Mark: “Albert Verlinde, that’s what I think the most… That he says that Robert Jensen is nothing anymore, that is of course incorrect. And I actually think Albert Verlinde, I think that’s a cowardly man.”

Yvonne: “Actually, he is the one who does crawl away a bit.”

Mark: “He’s a creep, he’s a cowardly man. (…) It is always a man who chooses the winners and then goes down stairs. He then sits at such a table with the three godfathers of the TV now and then he starts kicking Jensen a bit. Come on man.”
