Yvonne Coldeweijer hits back hard at the angry wife of Ali B

Yvonne Coldeweijer hits back hard at Breghje Kommers, the wife of cheater Ali B, accused of rape. In the meantime, she also slaps Vivienne van den Assem.

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While the alleged victims of Ali B are still anxiously awaiting what will happen with their rape report against the rapper, he is still enjoying a wonderful holiday in Dubai. To illustrate what that looks like, Yvonne put some videos of her spies online last week. It shows a cheerful Ali.

Angry Breghje

There are two videos and a photo. In the photo, Ali and his broadly smiling wife Breghje Kommers can be seen at the swimming pool of the extremely expensive Westin Seyahi Beach resort for 1,000 euros per night, one video shows how Ali and his son are walking on a path and on in the other clip, Ali is walking around the Global Village theme park.

Breghje subsequently informed RTL Boulevard that she is completely upset. “I don’t make any statements about our private lives, but it really touches me that I have been very consciously protecting my children for thirteen years and that a juice channel decides not to do that anymore.”

She could count on the understanding of presenter Vivienne van den Assem at the desk of the show section. “I understand Breghje’s criticism.”

Yvonne hits back

Yvonne thinks the footage illustrates well how Ali raises a middle finger to his victims. “It looked cozy, they are comfortable in a luxury hotel. He thinks: ‘Nice, wonderful to recover from the fact that I can no longer walk on the street in the Netherlands because I am a f*cking serial rapist.’ Ehh, remains to be seen, remains to be seen.”

She thinks it is unprecedented that Breghje is only now making herself heard. “Ali B’s wife has not been heard from at all until now. Nothing. No reaction at all to the fact that your husband just has rape reports against him. Not only does this lady not respond, apparently he is all forgiven.”


And now Breghje is angry. Breghje, what kind of a clown are you? (…) Are you still just with him? What?! Don’t you think it’s bloody arrogant to lie down with your whole family by the pool in a f*cking very expensive hotel in Dubai? Wouldn’t it be a bit more chic to rent something private and to lie down there with your family?”

Yvonne continues: “There are just girls here in suspense who have reported rape against Ali B and who think: shouldn’t he be interrogated again? (…) And then you deal with it so insensitively. I think that’s so stupid and not at all what I was looking for behind her.”

Easy to score

What does Yvonne van Breghje think about the portrayal of her son? Nonsense, she replies. “You literally don’t see a single thing. This video is so grainy, it’s such bad quality. Breghje, literally nobody can be recognized from here and you don’t see a single thing.”

She also points out that Ali’s children were simply in his documentary and also had their say in it. “It’s very easy to score what you’ve done, Breghje. You just thought: how can I get the bad guys on my side? They are images of my children!”

Sneer at Vivienne

One of those good guys is Vivienne van den Assem, according to Yvonne. “You always have those Truusjes, such as Vivienne van Boulevard. I didn’t know she ever found anything anyway. (…) You know what’s really bad, Vivienne? If your husband rapes girls. That’s bad! That’s bad! Okay!”

Finally: “Breghje, let’s talk about why you don’t leave your husband! Regardless of whether the rapes will be proven… He’s cheating on you! Our family man sniffs and drinks all your assets. He gambles away your wealth. What stupid holiday are you standing there?”


Yvonne’s response (from 5:20 pm):
