Yvonne Coldeweijer has to rectify statements about Samantha Steenwijk | Stars

Steenwijk wanted compensation of 5000 euros in addition to a rectification, but the court did not agree. According to the judge, the honor and good name of the singer will be sufficiently restored with the rectification to be placed. Moreover, Coldeweijer had already taken the video in question offline.

In court, the singer called those statements “a hard lie” two weeks ago. Steenwijk also said that the video has made her “a source of inspiration” for slimming pills. “But if someone with a brain haemorrhage is in intensive care, that is not my responsibility, but Coldeweijer’s. I never used those pills.”

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Samantha Steenwijk

Samantha Steenwijk


Coldeweijer said after the case that she found that reaction strange. “I thought it was bizarre that she said that if someone ends up in ICU, it is because of me. I think it’s pretty rough to twist things like that.” She also stated that she attaches little value to the judge’s ruling. “The requirement is that I post a rectification as they want it to be seen. Everyone now knows that if I do that, I don’t mean it.”

The vlogger has 48 hours to post the rectification, without any comment or rebuttal, on her Instagram page in the form of a story. Coldeweijer also has to rectify the statements on her YouTube channel. She has seven days at the latest to do so. For every day that she does not comply with this, she will be imposed a penalty of one thousand euros. Coldeweijer also has to pay the legal costs of 2,444.43 euros.
