Yvonne Coldeweijer finished with RTL Boulevard: ‘Never call me again!’

Yvonne Coldeweijer is quite pissed off on RTL Boulevard, because the program portrays her as a kind of fashion charlatan. “Fuck off and never call me again!” the juice queen barks.

© Instagram

In addition to her own juice channel, Yvonne Coldeweijer is also active in fashion. She has her renewed webshop last night Life of Yvonne Boutique launched, where she sells all kinds of garments for women. A happy moment for the juice queen, but she wakes up today with quite a hangover.

Yvonne vs Boulevard

RTL Boulevard is going big on its website with the article ‘Caught: Yvonne Coldeweijer sells dresses from AliExpress’. “Yvonne Coldeweijer (35) had previously come under fire because expensive jewelry from her webshop turned out to be from cheap Chinese webshops. Still, it doesn’t seem like she’s learned from this.”

The show column: “Yvonne announced yesterday her own clothing collection, which also seems to consist of clothing from AliExpress. Several photos of items from her new collection appear on Instagram, which are exact copies of items from AliExpress.”

‘No own clothing line!’

Yvonne is quite pissed that RTL Boulevard is throwing her in front of the bus like that, because she made it very clear before the launch that this is not her own clothing line. “There are a number of people who did not watch my video from last Tuesday and I explained that my clothing webshop is not its own clothing line,” she responds.

She continues: “That means that I buy very nice items everywhere to sell, so don’t be in fucking shock if you come across the same sweater or top somewhere else in another webshop. Ehhh yes, that’s how it works with boutiques: you buy it and you sell it again. I have never claimed that anything is my own line or anything.”

Huge media quarrel

Where the love between Yvonne and RTL Boulevard just seemed to blossom a bit – she was even at the desk there last month – that is now over in one go. The juice queen shares an app in which Boulevard editor Leonieke disagrees (see below). In response, Yvonne explains very clearly that this is not her own clothing line.

Yvonne: “I started a clothing webshop. This means that I buy products from wholesalers and then sell them again. All stores do this. If a dress is therefore also available at another webshop, or has also ended up on aliexpress, then I have nothing to do with that. I didn’t buy it there, but just from the wholesaler.”

“Don’t call me!”

Yvonne is furious that RTL Boulevard is still pretending to have a copied clothing line. “And now fuck off and never call me RTL Boulevard again.”

Yvonne is supported by the Volendam celebrity Monique Smit, among others. She tweets to Boulevard: “What a misleading headline… Just watch the whole video of her. Bad work editors.”

And one Elle: “You do take the scoops well from her, but you have not seen the video in which she explicitly says that this is not her own clothing line. Hypocritical Boulevard.”

Rob responds

Rob Goossens, the TV connoisseur of RTL Boulevard, is also involved. “Oh dear”, he tweets

Then a certain Jeroen says: “THAT IS HOW STORES WORK ROB!”

Rob then indicates that he thinks Yvonne’s reaction is exaggerated. “Her reaction is fine, isn’t it? But to pretend that the editor on duty deliberately hit your mother on the zebra crossing…”

App Conversation

Yvonne and the RTL Boulevard editor:
