Yvonne Coldeweijer does not stop after BNR prank: ‘No more cover-ups!’

Yvonne Coldeweijer has no intention of stopping her juice channel now that BNR and Talitha Muusse have deliberately misled her. She finds it important to counterbalance the mainstream media.

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Juice channels like Yvonne Coldeweijer’s have stirred up more showbiz scandals in a year than the regular show media has in the past ten years. In Hilversum there is therefore a lot of opposition. The regular show media don’t feel like that hot breath in the neck and celebrities just want that hand over their heads again.

Yvonne responds

However, Yvonne will not be stopped, not even now that Talitha Muusse and BNR have tried to lure her into a trap. Talitha recorded a video in which she pretends to sniff, which was sent anonymously to Yvonne and reacted suspiciously when Yvonne adversarial. Now she speaks shame that Yvonne posted it.

Incomprehensible, thinks Yvonne. “So if someone is going to fabricate evidence and act that they are sniffing on a movie, how is it possible for me to know it’s fake? Then the video with Lil Kleine and Jaimie between the car door could just as well have been fake, but I just brought that,” she says in a statement. reaction video

‘I do not understand’

It is difficult for Yvonne to follow what BNR and Talitha are so proud of. She points out that she has applied adversarial procedure and that she has taken three blows in her reporting. “I don’t really understand what exactly has been proven with the experiment of BNR and Talitha right now.”

“It’s kind of the same as if you call the police and say, ‘My daughter is missing, you have to go find her!’, and then the police search all over town and country and then say, ‘Haha! She was just sitting in the closet at my house, but I just wanted to know if you guys are doing your job enough!’”

To make money

Yvonne also finds it strange that her generous earnings are continuously added. She points out that she is deliberately not under contract with a media party, because she wants to be independent. “Otherwise I could never bring this juice? The fact that I earn my own money has a very important function in what I do.”

She continues to use the same method. “Don’t you like juice or do you think I’m going too far with how I handle shit? Fine. You don’t have to follow me, but I’m a juice channel. I am not the NRC and certainly not BNR Nieuwsradio. My viewers expect juice from me and they can really think for themselves.”

Hand above head

The juice queen explains one more time why she started her channel: “That’s because the mainstream media is constantly hovering over each other’s heads. And that is of course also the reason that lately programs such as BOOS, Gossip, Juice Channel and I have brought to light things that could not bear the light of day before and that certain people have very sneakily covered up.”

Yvonne won’t stop with her juice channel. “I am happy to continue to expose the hypocritical celebrities and their corrupt mainstream media. And you know (start video of Samantha Steenwijk’s angry lawyer in which Yvonne quotes, ed.): I’m here for the juice, if you don’t like it, go fuck yourself!”

Talitha, who according to Yvonne is mainly out for attention, will be in Khalid & Sophie tonight.

Video response

Yvonne’s video response:
