Yvonne Coldeweijer advises: ‘Özcan Akyol on a lie detector!’

Yvonne Coldeweijer advises to put Özcan Akyol on a lie detector after all those strong stories about Matthijs van Nieuwkerk. “He twists himself into all kinds of corners!”


Özcan Akyol continues to work on the Matthijs van Nieuwkerk file. First there was a so-called roaring video and now moaning videos are circulating again. Why does his story keep changing? And what exactly is behind this? Wilfred Genee cannot get it out, so according to Yvonne Coldeweijer it is time for tougher measures.

Lie detector

Yvonne’s advice is to really let Eus bare his buttocks. “We should actually hang him on one of those lie detectors. She is twisting herself into all kinds of corners,” she says in her podcast The Juice Show.

Co-host Mark Koster thinks that story about the howler video is really strange. The actual video turned out to be incredibly good. “He said: ‘I saw a video and in it Matthijs misbehaves in such a way that I actually end the friendship.’ At least, that’s how it came across and he didn’t contradict it.”

‘It’s so random’

Yvonne finds it strange that Eus suddenly ended his friendship with Matthijs. “I thought so random actually after all that time I felt like… Eus of course felt so much pressure from outside that he was defending Matthijs… Eus said he didn’t know all that, but now he had seen a video.”

A howler movie. “Yes, it was to the point where he said, ‘I’m ending a friendship.’ And he added: ‘The entire media world has already seen this video and shared it en masse.’ I said, ‘If I don’t have it, there’s no video.’”

‘How bad this is!’

It turns out that Eus has blown things up terribly. “Eus, this is so bad. You just threw your buddy under the bus for this and now you’re going to pretend there’s more. There is no more. This is it. And this really wasn’t enough. Matthijs goes into the abyss and Eus thinks: you are not going to pull me along.”

“Eus is only concerned with himself. That friendship is… That’s the same with all showbiz friendships: it doesn’t mean a damn thing. That is to get better and not to get worse. As soon as someone falls into the abyss, you let that person go. Then you cut the cord. Bye. Eus had no desire to plunge into the abyss either.”

Canceled yourself?

The question is whether this was successful, because Özcan has suffered a lot of image damage due to howler-film-gate. “I heard Evert say that Eus might now be the one to be cancelled.”

Own fault, big bump, according to the juice queen. “It completely failed and that just happens when you lie.”
