Yvon Jaspers crosses the border for the third time to help five farmers find a man or woman in ‘Farmer seeks woman Europe’

Ten years after the first ‘Farmer seeks woman international’, Yvon Jaspers crosses the border for the third time to help farmers find a husband or wife. This time she stays within this continent. Sunday is the proposal round of ‘Farmer seeks woman Europe’ in which the presenter introduces ‘a club of five to be proud of’. Regardless of the response to their call, they are tracked throughout the sequence.

The participants yearning for love meet ten letter writers during a speed date in the Netherlands, go on a day date and then take three candidates to the farm abroad. Here they get to know each other and the local culture better every day. At the end of the week, the farmer decides: who makes the heart beat faster? The person can go on a city trip in their own country.

Jaspers has already revealed that the participants, the photo shows three men and two women, are from their early 20s to their 60s. “One started his farm a few years ago, the other emigrated as a young child with the whole family. One cannot do without his horses, the other thinks walking across the fields early in the morning is the most beautiful thing there is. All hardworking people who miss someone to go through their day with, enjoy together and build a life.”


As with the regular series, viewers marveled at the amiable, wonderful and sometimes annoying participants during the international versions of the KroNcrv hit. In 2013 we met Wim from Tanzania who runs a company at the foot of Kilimanjaro. He reacted rather irritable to a question from Jaspers about his wishes in the field of love.

Goat farmer Aletta eventually sent all the men away and was left alone again on Bonaire. Johan from Denmark had the greatest difficulty choosing between two Ingrids. After a few years, the chosen one still left his farm.


In 2016 Olke from Texas shone in the foreign variant. His company is so big that he drove his car through the stable. Misuse? He hadn’t done that in 10 years. The endearing twenty-something Herman from France, who excels at baking cheesecake, had never had so much sjans. Riks from Canada had not been to the Netherlands for 12 years. To the despair of his guests and the hilarity of the viewer, his Drenthe accent was still very strong.

‘Tilapia hunk’ Marc from Zambia with his fashion model teeth was seen as the most wanted catch, although he turned out to be very difficult to gauge. After 8 months the relationship with letter writer Annekim ended, after which he started a family with a BOD -fan.


The success rate of the international series is lower than average. No wonder, Jaspers stated earlier. “The places where these men live are not exactly the most vibrant areas in the world. For a farmer, the vast areas in Canada or Romania are Valhalla because of the peace and space, but they are not places that the average Dutch woman dreams of. It is quite something to leave everything behind for that.”

Love across the border demands even more from both parties. Still, farmers prefer a partner with the Dutch mentality, the TV cupid suspected. “Don’t talk, just brush. Someone who knows how to get things done and who knows the word ‘cozy’. He knows who Jip and Janneke are and who can bake pancakes.”

Singles are given two weeks to write. How the search for love continues, can be seen from September 3.

Sunday NPO 1, 8.20 pm
