Yvon Jaspers completely written off by RTL Boulevard

Yvon Jaspers: indispensable presenter or redundant woman? The latter, they say at RTL Boulevard. And that will come as a blow to the Farmer Seeks Woman star. “She disrupts everything.”

© RTL, Wieteke Vonk

It was a monster hit for years: Farmer Seeks Woman. How different is this season… The scores are lower than ever and a few weeks ago Tina Nijkamp was really shocked by that. She always keeps track of all the viewing figures and almost choked when she saw how sharply the viewership of this program has decreased.

Yvon out?

To make matters worse, Yvon Jaspers is now declared redundant as presenter of the dating show. And not just anywhere, but in the country’s most watched show section: RTL Boulevard. According to reporter Aran Bade, that woman can now simply be exchanged for a voice-over, just like with B&B Vol Liefde.

Aran mentions candidate Haico as an example. “I find him so moving. He has not even given a kiss in 42 years and he has not yet dared to go on a date and then you participate in a program with that bandana and then you go on television with your buttocks exposed and then it just has to happen. ”

Cold and chilly

Haico is approached very sweetly by letter writer Ellen, he thinks. “She just dared to mention it with the cows and the milking. That you simply ask: ‘Have you ever kissed someone?’ That is a very personal question, but she did it very sweetly and I was reminded of the kick-off episode, which Angela de Jong had said something about.”

Then Yvon really behaved like a terrible jerk to this poor Haico. “Yvon Jaspers actually asked that in a very cold and distant way and then I thought: look at this, how it can be done.”

‘Is she still needed?’

RTL Boulevard then repeats the uncomfortable fragment from then. Aran: “We laugh about it because it is so uncomfortable, but what Yvon does, and I also noticed it yesterday… She sometimes acts very immature towards those people, as if they are some kind of children.”

He concludes: “I actually think… For the first time with Yvon Jaspers, I have the feeling: is that presentation still necessary at Boerzoekt Vrouw? This is also due to B&B Vol Liefde, we have to be honest about that. It actually disrupts moments like Ellen had yesterday. We need that more than ever this season.”
