Yves Berendse slaps Ferry Doedens after an ordinary photo

The well-known singer Yves Berendse gives the fallen soap star Ferry Doedens a big slap on the fingers after posting an ordinary photo. “This is what OnlyFans is for.”


Ferry Doedens has more or less given up his acting career to make paying jerks happy on the internet. He has a page that people can pay a tenner a month for and then he takes off his underpants. Very nice of course that that is under lock and key, but his Instagram is now also becoming increasingly vulgar.

Why now?

In an effort to persuade people to pay for his naked body, Ferry has now posted a close-up of his padded briefs on Instagram, which many people find inappropriate. For example, he is also followed by many young GTST fans who do not ask for this and are posts are also sometimes randomly served by the Insta algorithm.

Ferry comes under an incredible amount of criticism. “Why these photos on Instagram? There are kids on Instagram too, right? You wanted to be taken seriously by people and even hoped GTST would take you back! But why these pictures? I don’t understand that,” says follower Jolanda, for example.

Bad example

Ramona also likes that she’s suddenly Ferry’s bulge full on her screen. “So sorry about this. I’ve always had an unwise favor factor towards you, but opening your Insta like that and getting a l * l in your face without asking is such a disappointment. That’s what channels are for, right?

Ferry has to let off steam there, thinks Roma. “But I do know that my daughter is not going to follow you. Then you want to be seen as serious and then you do this? Very disappointing and gross. If you feel good about it, put it on channels that are made for this, but there are so many children here who will soon think this is normal.”

Yves is critical

Singer Yves Berendse, known for hits like [nog opzoeken]also thinks this not done from Ferry. “Isn’t this exactly what OnlyFans is for? 🤷‍♂️”, he bites him under the conscious Insta post.

Ferry has also seen that reaction from Yves and responds: “On my OnlyFans I posted it without slip 😂.”

All in all, Yves’ slap on the fingers doesn’t seem to hit Ferry very hard. He has pretty trained hands…


Ferry’s deliberately vulgar post, in which he also involves his mother:
